Jesus Music and Hot Dog Evangelism

Recently, I had the task to select special Jesus Music for the new Jesus Music Radio show, which will begin streaming Saturday nights on from 6 p.m. until Midnight all summer long in advance of launching in the of Fall 2016. Seeing classic Jesus Music album covers and hearing songs from groups like Prodigal and Fireworks caused me to remember The Harvest Rockfest which happened in June of 1982. It was held in outdoors on a Saturday in the parking lot of the Odeum in Villa Park, Il. The artists I remember being there wereProdigal, Marty McCall and Fireworks, Rick Cua, Denny Correll and DeGarmo & Key. I know there were one or two others that I forgot because I missed them when I left around Noon for Ohare Airport to pick up Denny Correll whom I had met on several other occasions and his band who flew in from Los Angeles. I was pretty psyched because I was finally going to meet a bass player from Love Song that I really admire1700317_origd, Jay Truax. He was playing with Denny Correll’s band.  Accompanying them was a drummer and lead guitarist who appeared to be LA session musicians.

The ride to the event was pretty uneventful with Denny chatting away as he caught me up on the going’s on in his life and was intrigued why a successful Christian retailer like me had left that for a risky career in Christian radio. I told him that “the Lord works in mysterious ways.” Once we arrived and unpacked, I finally had a chance to talk with Jay. The drummer pretty well kept to himself and attended to his prized drums… a snare and set of cymbals.

Midway through our conversation, the guitarist wandered over and joined in, telling us about the struggles of trying to make a living in the LA music scene. He spoke fondly of his young wife and brand new baby at home. There was a quiet desperation about him so I told Jay that I’d catch him later and concentrated on my attention on him. It was about 2 p.m. and the sun was bearing down on us so I asked if he wanted a bottle of water or something. He said, “No” but his body language told me otherwise. “It’s my treat. Have you eaten anything yet?”,  I asked. He shook his head from side-to-side. I pointed to the portable concession stand. “Come on, I’ll get you whatever you want to eat,” I said as we made our way from the side of the stage to the back of the enclosed audience area. “But you don’t know me,” he said incredulously. “I just want to share the love of Jesus with you. It is my honor to do this.”  So he ate his Chicago -style hot dog between sips of Coca-cola and he thanked me. Then we parted company as I went to visit with another friend backstage as Rick Cua was about to do his set. Together we marveled at the incredible slide guitar work of Dave Perkins.

At the end of Denny’s early evening set, as he gave an altar call, this guitarist laid down his guitar, leaped off the stage, and gave his life to the Lord in front of everyone without hesitation. I found out later that he had no money nor food for the day. The simple act of buying an obviously hungry musician something to eat was the tipping point where he had a personal experience with the Lord in the form of someone putting the gospel into action. I have never forgotten this lesson of hot dog evangelism.

The last time I spoke to Jay Truax a few years ago he reported that this man was a still a solid believer and serving the Lord in studio music industry on the West Coast. Amazing grace, indeed!

Glory to God, James

COUNTDOWN TO A CONCERT; T minus 16 days and counting.



Today is Friday, January 3, 2014. I am not sure if I’ve been specific about the big cause tied to all our concerts, that being raising awareness and encouraging child sponsorship for Compassion International. Their work to bring new hope to many orphaned children in third world countries.Both Randy Stonehill and Phil Keaggy have been involved with this ministry for many years. These concerts are just one more way to gather a captive audience and let them know about the “least of these.” No arm twisting or guilt tripping is allowed. my hope is that people will begin to see beyond themselves and respond in love.

Why bring that up now? Well, I was asked by Compassion today about the status of the concert and if we needed sponsorship[ packets sent. That prompted a call to Phil Keaggy’s road manager to inquire if he was bringing them. The short answer is will provide a sign up table and Compassion will provide packets and volunteers. Either Randy or Phil will make an appeal to the audience from the stage. In the end, we hope several children receive sponsors. That’s is why we give Compassion International sponsor credit… so they have the opportunity to have a table at the event. They do not pay anything for that status as it is given to them as part of our “good works” outreach. We are excited that generous hearts will respond to the need of these precious children.

So even if you can’t make the Phil Keaggy – Randy Stonehill concert in Orlando on Saturday, January 18th, please go to and consider the opportunity to show Compassion for yourself and your family. You can make a difference in a child’s life.

Today we also saw the response to a post Randy Stonehill made on Facebook promoting the concert.  There were over 100 Likes and a few nice comments mostly from folks outside Florida who wish they could make it. I was very grateful for Randy making that post. Its good to see an artist support the promoter’s efforts. I have spent a lot of advertising dollars to raise awareness for these concerts because it usually takes a minimum of 6 exposures to a message before a person will decide on an action.In this crowded and over saturated media blitzed world we live, it takes many more because people forget what they have seen and heard in 24 hours. So it takes a lot of repetition to make any kind of an impression in a person’s mind. Even in social media like Facebook and Twitter, it takes a lot of tweets and posts to motivate a person to take action. (so Randy and Phil’s social media people need to do a few more posts and tweets each to help get the word out.). It’s OK, I sent both of them “Please Help Us” messages to do just that. 

The life lesson for all you social media users is that you need to be creative in the way you send out those six or so messages to make an impact on your target audience. Just don’t repeat like a parrot, say it differently each time if you possibly can. And above all, be engaging and say it with love. More tomorrow. Have a great first weekend on 2014!    James Burkhardt

#Phil Keaggy, #Randy Stonehill, #Compassion, #concertsinOrlando

“Role model”, GMC TV “Raising Izzie” Actress Victoria Staley

Today is Friday August 3, 2012 and tonight on GMC TV there’s a wonderful movie to watch, “Raising Izzie”. The delightful young actress and singer, Victoria Staley, plays a pivotal role as big sister to Izzie. She recently had a conversation with me about the movie and her take on life as a contemporary teen. Born in 1996, Victoria has been getting vocal training since age 5 and began acting at age 8. She’s currently working on an Urban Pop music project, and has a real passion for musical theatre. No doubt Broadway is on her mind.

What struck me as most significant during our conversation was her complete and total trust in God for her future. This was refreshing. Throughout history, many whose impact for the Kingdom has been great have demonstrated a similar trust at a tender age… from shepherd boy David, and Joan of Arc to moderns like Jim Elliot.  In the movie, her little sister character Izzie demonstrates a similar childlike faith of trusting God in critical life situations that affect her future in stark contrast to the older children and adults around her.

From her responses, she’s been working very diligently on her craft and it definitely shows on screen. She is very believeable and her range of emotions is well beyond sixteen years. Victoria also shared a very touching backstory about her Grandfather which helped her performance in what she considers to be her biggest scene in “Raising Izzie”. Victoria’s parents wisely make academics a top priority in her life. She made the point that “her role in “Raising Izzie” was a real stretch because she has such awesome parents.” How many parents would like their children to speak so highly of them publicly?  I don’t want to give away the entire movie plot but Victoria’s character, Junior High student Gertie, finds herself in the unenviable position of raising her little sister Izzie on her own and without trust in God.

When asked what do you hope to accomplish with her music, Victoria said she wanted to be a positive role model. In an era when popular professional athletes want no part of being a “role model”, someone in the public eye who does genuinely deserves to be celebrated! My humble observation based on our interview is: Victoria, you don’t have to wait to be a role model… you already are!

As mentioned above, GMC TV will air “Raising Izzie” tonight. Another is scheduled for Saturday August 11th. Please check your listings for broadcast times. You can hear the complete Victoria Staley Podcast Interview anytime at: or click on the Podcasts tab on the SnT homepage. Blessings to you –  James Burkhardt.

A SuperBowl Dream? The WatchWORD Video Bible Kickstarter Campaign… at Halftime

In 1990, Cornerstone Television in Pittsburgh, PA  was a client of a company I led and their Development Director was Jim Fitzgerald. In 1992, he received this Spirit-inspired idea to produce the Bible in an easy to understand English version that one would watch, read and listen to simultaneously… The WatchWORD Video Bible.  Today, it is perfect media to reach everyone in the world who owns a smartphone or tablet.

Over the past 20 years, I have stood with Jim in prayer as he has agonized to complete this massive assignment. Now he has begun a kickstarter campaign to promote the WatchWORD Video Bible in a SuperBowl Ad this February 2013.  many prominent athletes and coaches support this SuperBowl Ads concept, including Tony Dungy. To use a football Knute Rockne film analogy, it’s  Halftime and the chips are down. We’ve got to win this one for the Gipper!

Right now Jim and a videographer have embarked on a road trip to 21 cities for the last 3 weeks of this Kickstarter Campaign. He’s visiting Churches, Ministries, the Media, and Christian owned businesses to generate awareness and financial support. He may even visit Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage on the last stop in San Francisco.  Perhaps even Glen Beck in Dallas. The full itinerary is  below. But more importantly, Here are some links to share.

WatchWORD Video Bible Kickstarter Campaign

This link takes you to the kickstarter page for the WatchWORD Video Bible. I urge you to share this with your church, all your friends and extended family who want to see the Great Commission fulfulled in the next few years.

This link takes you to their YouTube channel where you can experience the WatchWORD Bible personally.

This goes to the main WatchWORD Video Bible website.

ITINERARY: 21 Cities in 21 Days Road Trip to the SuperBowl – please pray for travel protection and complete success. Many Thanks!

July 28th Columbus OH

July 29th Dayton OH

July 30th Indianapolis IN

July 31st Cinncinati OH

August 1 Louisville KY

August 2 Nashville TN

August 3 Memphis TN

August 4 Springfield MO

August 5 St. Louis MO

August 6 Kansas City MO

August 7 Omaha NE

August 8 Wichita KS

August 9 Oklahoma City OK

August 10 Dallas TX

August 11 Dallas TX

August 12 Amarillo TX

August 13 Colorado Springs

August 14 Denver

August 15 Salt Lake City

August 16 Reno

August 17 San Francisco

August 18 Pittsburgh

August 19 Kickstarter Campaign Ends

Back in the Saddle Again… after many God Moments

Back in the Saddle Again… after many God Moments

I’ve been asked why haven’t I written a blog in many months. The answer is simple. I’ve been caring for mywife who has been in the hospital over 80 days from December 1, 2011 until July 8, 2012. It all began with a brown recluse spider bite right around Thanksgiving. That bite resulted in a massive infection and ultimately she lost her big right toe on December 7, 2011. There have been several complications with her toe and foot since. As a result, I have learned to mix and infuse antibiotics as part of her care in addition to helping her walk and being her emotional support. She needs round the clock attention being restricted to bed and the bathroom. Outside assistance from home health care only comes for an hour 2 to 3 times per week to check on her foot wound and dress it so the rest is up to me. She is allowed a leased wound-vac to enable healing. It is a struggle to juggle everything that needs to be done. But we persevere.

Chest pain seems to persist and the big one is avoided in mid-March when she had open heart surgery after the cardiologist is convinced that it is not a gastro intestinal problem. No, it was not. Triple bypass to be exact. Most of you do not know that 4 days after we launched SnT in May of 2009, she had a massive heart attack. It was so bad, she was flown by medical helicopter to the heart cautherization lab because the ER doctor was convinced that she had minutes to live. That was my first instance where I just had to humbly tell the Lord, “I trust you for her well-being. Let your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”  This was out of my hands. In the end, her blood sugar and blood pressure was too high to operate. The surgeon on call waited 24 hours for it to drop into safer levels. During that same 24 hours we called evryone we knew to organize a massive prayer chain. And God heard our prayers and she was released a few days later with a strict medication regime.

So fast forward to March of this year. Another massive prayer chain has been praying for her for months then they get news about the heart surgery. We have no medical insurance but she is at Florida Hospital South Orlando (Seventh Day Adventist) whose mission is to care and heal people as Christ did and she is assigned the number 2 heart surgeon in one of the best Cardiology departments in the USA only because the number 1 surgeon is booked and they can’t wait for him. The hospital assigns a person to her case who will interface with State and Federal medical assistance programs on our behalf. They should because they have hundreds of thousands of potential costs to cover in this procedure. She comes through. We praise God, her heart is strong and everything looks good.

Then she develops cellulitis in her right leg in April which threatens her foot because it still has not healed despite massive antibiotic treatments. So it’s back to Florida Hospital where staff are beginning to know her by sight and address her by her firstname. They pump another round of antibiotics into her via an IV. Once the cellulitis is gone her podiatrist and foot surgeon determines that another section of bone must come out of the foot. It was tainted by the cellulitis. This will make her walking even more difficult without assistance or a prosthetic. After foot surgery the attending Infectious Diseases doc orders to install a third picc line. We get her home on Friday night and the home care nurse has trouble Monday afternoon just like I did flushing the line on Sunday.  We compare notes and agree it is the picc line and not either of us so we rush off to the ER again.

This time we discover, as a parting gift, she has blood clots caused by the picc line which travel from her right arm into her left lung. A pulmonary embolism… another serious reason to pray fervently. So back to Florida Hospital and the picc line is pulled. Now the only way to administer antibiotics is through an IV. Her veins start collapsing from over use in the left arm because you can’t take fluids out of the side where blood clots are detected. But the doctors are very good and as chest pains return her stay extends into two weeks until they are sure she is stable. Then home again, finally. But not for long.

The new week takes us to a new place, the coumodon clinic where her blood thiness is checked.  More complications show up with chest pains and shortness of breath. Her vibrancy after the heart surgery has disappeared. She is in pain and tired. No one seems to know why. So she is admitted from the ER into the hospital after flat lining twice in the ER. Her cardiologist is called in again. She is stabilized and sent home again because he does not want to stop the coumodin treatments because the blood clots are still much too dangerous. Still more fervent prayer. We go to the store and she breaks her second toe on the right foot when she shifts her weight. She sees the podiatrist within 24 hours and he puts her into a protective boot that goes up to her knee with the strictest stay off your feet order I have ever heard. A week passes then the painkillers won’t touch the chest pain. Something else is definitely wrong.

Then, I recognize the same look on her face as I did in May of 2009.Its a bright sunny Monday morning in late June. Her rosy color is not so rosy. I say we are going to thre ER. She mumbles and nods her head. We arrive. The computers are down and they do not realize that she is categorized as urgent when her computer file comes up. I keep her awake as best I can by telling her funny stories followed by “I love you very much. Its great to hear you laugh.” There is a shift change. More waiting as the hours pass by. Then the annoucement that the computers have come back up. A brief time passes then her name is called. Off to get an immediate EKG. It is bad. I’ve watched enough to know an irregular heartbeat when I see one. She is taken right away to a room and hooked up to a monitor. Within minutes she flatlines again for an instant. The ER doc comes in and begins to address us. Right in front of him she flatlines again. He tried but couldn’t hide the look of concern on his face. He orders more tests and bloodwork. The techs have a hard time getting blood from her veins and gives up. He must call in another tech. Off to X ray. Then the ER doc admits her and she is shown to her room. She doesn’t leave for another 14 days and has one more visit to the heart cautherization lab in the middle of it. The cardiologist takes a good look at her heart and determines that there is a minute blockage but elects not to do a procedure. He thinks the chest pain is not cardiac related but clot and orders her back on the blood thinners, stat. It takes 5 long days for her to get the levels into a stable range before she can be released. It is Sunday, July 8th.

Around May 25,2012, the start of SnT’s fourth year of 24/7/365 streaming, I received an email from friend and author Chuck Graham telling me that a quote I had submitted endorsing his new book, “THE COMPANY” was chosen by his publisher to be used on a bookmark to be distributed at the upcoming International Christian Retailing Show in Orlando, FL from July 15 -18. He send me a digital copy. There it was attributed to James Burkhardt, Founder – SnT What a blessing of an opportunity. That convention attracts about 5,000 attendees from all over the world.

So I sought the Lord about it and was told to plan on working hard there and that my wife would be my photographer. I would have everything I needed to make the most of it. OK. I needed to register as media and secure a space to record interviews. Registration was no problem but all the media rooms suitable for recording had already been reserved months ago. I could have a in the hallway outside the convention floor. OK… are you sure there isn’t other space more suitable for recording author/recording artist interviews? We’ll try was all I was told. Hmmm… portable recording gear. None on hand. Plus our laptop had died after the bypass operation which could’ve worked. I kept trusting as I began to book interviews with several authors. Then more and more until I was conducting interviews on Sunday the 15th through Tuesday the 17 without a break. Nearly 2 dozen we set in stone secured. No room. No suitablable equipment. And my wife was in the hospital with no guarantee that she’d be out to serve as timekeeper and photographer.

She was still in the hospital as books, DVD’s and CD’s began arriving for review prior to interviews  Neither the equipment and money I thought we might receive to purchase it never came into my hand. Just enough to cover parking for five days @ $13 a day and a little extra for some signage, printied materials, bottled water for our guests and some protein snacks to sustain us during the 9 – 10 hour days on Monday and Tuesday.  After securing my wife’s permanent handicapped parking placard on Tuesday July 10th, with less than a week to go, I called my former 660AM WORL talkshow producer and friend, Joe Ferraro and asked if he had any portable recording devices I might borrow for the week. He said yes and that I would love what he had — and no laptop necessary. He would swing by on Sunday about 2 in the afternoon to my space and get me operational. My first interview scheduled was at 3pm with Michael Card. When you have friends that you know you can trust, details like that do not make me sweat. I also contacted the Media contacts and was told something better was in the works but I needed to wait until Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning before it would be resolved.

So we spent the rest of my wife’s first week home reading and watching and listening so I would be prepared.  On Saturday, the parking attendant let us park for free to pick up our Media credentials and ID badge around 1pm. We stopped in the media room and met the person coordinating all the media relations inclusing our space. She said she was waiting for the room set up people to arrive before she could commit to anything. But it would definitely be resolved by Sunday morning. I could stop by before 5pm that afternoon, she would be in a better position to know.

That was fine with us because we had to be back to help out taking tickets for the Champions of the Faith Concert at 5:00pm. Apparently someone backed out at the last minute and my friend Kenworth Reeves texted me and asked us to help out. As long as my wife can accomplish her volunteer task sitting down, we can do it, I texted back. She absolutely should not be on her feet very much. I must admit it was fun taking tickets from people that I would be interviewing later in the week. Well the printing was done and ready to be picked up at 3pm. I had justr come in from feeding and cleaning up after our eleven cats when I had to leave to meet Tony Metcalf from Salt 1 to 1 in Orlando. I got back just in time to shower and get back over to the convention center. On the visit earlier in the afternoon we discovered how to drop my wife off close to Media area where we would be so she did not have to walk long distances. It was about 4:50pm when I let her out and she went directly to the media room. I asked her to call me with the room information and I would meet up with her there before making our way to the theatre for the evening’s event.

I parked the car… free again because the lot was unattended at that moment — or should I say God moment and was almost to the Media wing when my phone rang. It was my wife. We had several options but come quickly because it was 4:59 and the Media Relations folks had to go. Thankfully, they were gracious to wait an extra minute for me to arrive and they took me to a cavernous meeting room that could be shared by three media outlets seperated by curtains. It was perfect for our needs. I knew that a couple of prominent interviewees had entourages so the two extra tables and chairs would handle this very nicely. I was very grateful. And now we have 28 interviews done and I will be sharing all of them with you as podcasts at and here in the sntradioblog. God willing — next weekend, Chuck Graham and THE COMPANY.

Outlaw Gone Good and Rick Cua Playlist for SnT Spotlight – Saturday, October 1, 2011

Outlaw gone good? Ever hear the song “Ghost Riders in the Sky”? It was featured in film Blues Brothers 2000. It’s been around for a long while in the Country genre with roots in what used to be know as Western as in Country & Western.
It was recorded again in 1975 on the debut album by a group of “southern rockers” from Tampa, FL called The Outlaws. The song gained Rock radio airplay and The Outlaws career was launched. Two years after he became a Christian in 1977, Syracuse NY based musician Rick Cua joined the Outlaws. He sang and played bass on two albums before they disbanded in 1982. At some point before the Outlaws break up, Rick was introduced to the Christian Music scene by former Paul McCartney & Wings drummer, Joe English. Rick’s debut Koo-Ah (the pronunciation of his last name) on Refuge Records featured many general market guest musicians from bands like Wet Willie, The Outlaws plus independents like Joe English and Robbie Dupree, who charted a top 10 hit of his own in 1980. In fact, Dupree and Marty McCall (of Fireworks and later First Call) did background vocals on Cua’s single “Fly Me To Heaven” which was released to the general market. All this was very cool stuff for 1981 – 1982. The radio spot that Refuge Records produced to introduce Rick Cua used the theme “Outlaw gone good”, complete with pistol shoots and ricochet sound effects straight out of a good Western TV show or movie.

I first met Rick Cua around a single day outdoor festival event in suburban Chicago that a few hundred people attended called the Harvest Rockfest. In the lineup was Prodigal, Fireworks, Rick Cua (who had guitarist Dave Perkins in the backing band with him that day – and turned many heads with his awesome slide guitar work), Denny Correll and DeGarmo & Key playing from 1pm until about 11pm when the authorities told us to stop. There is a lot more to share about how the Lord used that humble event to His glory but that is for another blog. For someone who hung around the southern rock and stadium scene with the likes of The Allman Brothers and Lynyrd Skynryd, Rick Cua was remarkably well grounded and down-to-earth. I might offer my two cent opinion that his bass playing style and sound is distinctive. Certainly not your garden variety rock bass playing (think KISS). He’s the only bass player I’ve ever seen headline solo without a band in concert and pull it off with just backing tracks. That is really quite a feat of showmanship and performance.

Over the years, Rick turned down offers to play in other touring bands like Spyro Gyra in 1983 and a re-formed Outlaws lineup in 1986 since he became known for his Christian Music. His wife and daughters have helped — I know he credits his wife Diana for some of the beautiful love songs he writes and a song each is dedicated to his two daughters on Within Reach. Listen for “Diamond Girl” and “Fifteen” this Saturday. Included are some unique cuts from Like A Cool Drink, his project with the Ah-Koo-Stiks and a clever word play on his name even if he hasn’t become a household one. But after nearly 30 years of music ministry on the run (so to speak), Rick Cua has lived up to the moniker, “Outlaw gone good.”

Rick Cua

1. Fly Me to Heaven from Koo-Ah

2. You Can Still Rock ‘n’Roll from Koo-Ah

3. He Lives In Me from No Mystery

4. One Way Out from No Mystery

5. Changed from No Mystery

6. Help Me Out from No Mystery

7. Don’t Say Suicide from You’re My Road

8. Wear Your Colors from Wear Your Colors

9. Forever Yours from Can’t Stand Too Tall

10. We Are All The Same from Can’t Stand Too Tall

11. For The Love of God from Can’t Stand Too Tall

12. I’ll Be Satisfied from Midnight Sun

13. Young Boy, Young Girl from Midnight Sun

14. Heaven Won’t Stop The Rain from Within Reach

15. Message of Love from Within Reach

16. Fifteen from Within Reach

17. Diamond Girl from Within Reach

18. Dedicated from Midnight Sun

19, What If from The Way Love Is

20. Itala Americano from Times Ten

21. Bull By The Horns from Times Ten

22. Jesus Changes Everything from Like A Cool Drink

23. Gotta Have Heart from Like A Cool Drink

24. Bad Things Good People from Like A Cool Drink

SnT will play one song approximately every hour from this list beginning at 12:00am EST Saturday, October 1, 2011.

Please visit our SnT LIKE Page on Facebook or tweet us #SnTRadio on Twitter. Tell your friends this blog and refer them here
You are encouraged to join the SnT listener community and make a comment or share your personal Rick Cua memories below. Next time you’re listening to SnT check out the SnT Archive by clicking on the SnT Archive tab. You’ll be very pleased at what you find there.

James Burkhardt

Hello, Goodbye and We’ll Meet Again Robert.

One of the characteristics I like most about music is that it has the wonderful quality to bring people together. Maybe its the melody or the lyrics but human relationships do become possible through musical connections. Plus, there’s the spiritual aspect of music where listening becomes a transforming experience drawing one closer to the Creator and maker of our hearts.

This Saturday, September 3rd at Noon something special will occur… music streamed over the internet will bring a fellow human being confronting his mortality in a hospice care some joy because he’s picked all his favorite songs. And he’s a complete stranger to me as we’ve never physically met but we know each other through the music.

Do I have your attention now?

I have been given a list of Robert Keith’s favorite Contemporary Christian and Gospel songs. And I will play as many as I can just for him beginning at Noon EST this Saturday on SnT

You would too if you could… if for no other reason than to show love, compassion, and mercy to one in need. My reason is this is a prime opportunity for a call to prayer. The most effective prayer is a completely unselfish prayer. It is called” intercession”. Intercession is also fairly easy to do… pray for someone other than yourself. Pray for something outside what you want or need. In essence that is what an intercessor does. Won’t you try it this Saturday and pray?

Pray for Robert Keith and his family at this time. They need your prayers. This kind of transition is inevitable for all of us. We all will be in that place where he finds himself one day. So as you pray for Robert, remember to pray your loved ones, too.

You see, behind the scenes at SnT Radio is a special group of people I affectionately call the SnT Prayer Force. Robert’s wife is one of those very special persons who has agreed to pray for me and SnT Radio. No questions asked. Just devotion to prayer when requested. So here’s my chance to return the favor in kind.

I have long held the belief that “nothing happens until somebody prays“. Prayer does change things. If we all pray for Robert Keith between Noon and 2pm on Saturday, September 3, 2011 I know something special will happen as we listen to his favorite music. We will experience unity. Unity of spirit. Unity of mind. Unity of purpose. The world will know we are Christians by our love. Here’s a practical way to demonstrate that.

That’s right, we will “get together”. Pretty cool, huh? From our lips to God’s ear in Heaven’s throne room.

So let’s not keep this to ourselves… please share this blog with all your friends on Facebook and Twitter. For Robert’s sake, I hope this goes viral.

Please leave a thought for Robert and the family in the comments area below. I’ll make sure they receive them.

So Hello, Goodbye and We’ll Meet Again Robert. God bless you brother. I am fervently praying for you.

James Burkhardt

Don’t Fear The Redeemer

Hello again. Today is August 12, 2011 and this is the second entry. Remember the beginning of Star Trek. Star date… Captain’s Log entry, etc. Writing a blog is somewhat like that.

This Saturday on SnT the spotlight will be on the music of the 2nd Chapter of Acts. I’ve turned the SnT Archive upside down to find and play 24 of their best and rarest recordings that you just don’t hear on the radio anymore. Yes, SnT Radio plays a lot of 2nd Chapter of Acts tunes but the majority of these that you’ll hear tomorrow are not on the regular SnT playlist. Live recordings form To The Bride, How the West was Won, and Live with the Omartians. Three of their early singles. Plus many album cuts from With Footnotes and In the Volume of the Book as well as their 80’s recordings. And a select few of your favorites that you’d expect to hear from their body of work. Enjoy!

Where should I post the 2nd Chapter of Acts playlist, in another blog or as a note on Facebook? Leave me a comment expressing your preference. If you haven’t done so yet, please follow sntradio on Twitter. We do tweet special songs and are gearing up to Tweet some sweet prizes this Fall.

The Bible says that “the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom”. The big 70’s radio hit by Blue Oyster Cult Don’t Fear the Reaper attempted to romanticize death in it’s lyrics. I wonder what would happen if someone wrote a song called Don’t Fear the Redeemer. With so much fear in the world today, why not use reverse psychology to draw people away from fear and into the light? Does not God continually have redemption in His heart for mankind in this age of Grace? Or have we placed God solely into the role of prosecutor, jury, judge, and jailer in these uncertain times? I think that is not only unfair but totally opposite of God’s way of operating in the world since Jesus came to set us free. The Gospel message is very simple, Repent and be saved”. Once saved the working out of our salvation, i.e. transforming into His disciples is the most fulfilling way to live one’s life imaginable.

So as unusual as the concept may sound, “Don’t fear the Redeemer”. Jesus loves you, died to redeem your sinful life back into relationship with God and gives you the free gift of eternal life. All one has to do is accept Jesus Christ as Lord of one’s life. That is the only way to Heaven. That is God’s plan which hasn’t changed in over 2010 years. No other god of any other religion on earth did the work upfront for you to be accepted or “worthy” of a relationship with them. In contrast, Jesus is uniquely the redeemer of the world. Only believe. Yes, the Creator of the Heavens and Earth is almighty and should be worshiped with a sense of awestruck wonder.  As Rich Mullins wrote, “Our God is an Awesome God.”


James Burkhardt, Founder/Host